After the year that was 2020, we all deserve a bit of a reset.
We thought that should extend to beer as well, so we've put a new spin on some old favorites, RockBone and Huggy Bear.
These two beers will be part of an ongoing Version 2.021 series.
RockBone Version 2.021 is the first time we've canned this particular India Pale Ale.
This iteration is a bit different, however.
We used Lemondrop hops for a bright citrus aroma and flavor. This unfiltered beer is lighter and fruitier than than original from years past.
Huggy Bear 2.021 is a bigger version of last year's model.
In 2020, this brown ale with honey malt was 5 percent ABV.
This time, we've bumped it up to 6.4 percent to give you more of what you loved in the first one: a sweet, malty backbone and a nice chocolate finish.
Look for these beers in the taproom and around town.